Select resources developed by Perigee-funded partners to advance mental health and well-being for children, caregivers, and families during pregnancy and early childhood.
Washington State Health Care Authority:
IECMH Statewide Tour Report
HCA’s IECMH team had 10 listening sessions with 96 behavioral health providers across the state to better understand challenges and solutions for improving access to IECMH services.
The Century Foundation Report
It’s Time to Prioritize Maternal and Infant Mental Health
Georgetown University Center for Children and Families Report
State Medicaid Opportunities to Support Mental Health of Mothers and Babies During the 12-Month Postpartum Period
Washington State Paid Family and Medical Leave Report
It’s Time to Bond: PFML Uptake Initiative Outcomes and Learnings
Maternal Mental Health Report
30 Opportunities to Improve Maternal Mental Health and Promote Equity
Washington Infant Mental Health Issue Briefs
A series of issues briefs outlines opportunities to advance infant, early childhood, and parent mental health in Washington State.
King County Infant Mental Health Issue Brief
A landscape analysis and strategic plan, developed by King County’s Best Starts for Kids, to learn about the strengths, opportunities, and challenges with Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health services across King County.
Moments You’ve Earned: Paid Family and Medical Leave
Perigee Fund has provided grants, training, communications support, and resources to connect expectant parents and families who have very young children to PFML information, education, and enrollment assistance in Pierce and Yakima Counties.
View the promotional spots in English and Spanish.
Learn more about the Moments You’ve Earned campaign
Listening to Parent Voices:
How Technology Changed What’s Possible in Home Visiting & Infant Mental Health Programs
Research-informed recommendations and best practices for practitioners, model developers, policy makers, payers, and parents in the use of technology-enabled hybrid services to support relationship-based home visiting and infant mental health services.

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