National Care for All with Respect and Equity Fund

Uniting with other funders because caregiving is infrastructure.

The Care for All with Respect and Equity (CARE) Fund is a group of national philanthropic funders, including Perigee, united in the belief that care is essential for all families and our economy to thrive. With pooled resources, the CARE Fund will invest $50 million over five years in movement building for a universal, publicly supported care infrastructure that will fuel the economy and improve outcomes and quality of life for children, people with disabilities, and older adults.

The CARE Fund is one of several formalized funder collaboratives in which Perigee is a partner. Perigee joined the CARE Fund because advancing child care infrastructure is one of the fund’s focus areas. Quality affordable child care supports prenatal-to-3 parents with more time and money when it enables labor force participation, and contributes to child social-emotional development. Because philanthropic, nonprofit, and advocacy efforts are often artificially siloed, the CARE Fund brings workers, advocates, and families across caregiving issues together under a shared call to action: Our policy leaders must recognize care across the lifecourse as infrastructure.

The CARE Fund was launched in 2021 and has made initial rapid response grants that respond to both the care crisis exacerbated by the pandemic and a window to make historic national policy progress. The funding approach is under development and will launch in 2022.

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